Looking for English and Slovak speaking Dj

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Hi everybody....hope you can help me. We are looking for an excellent english and slovak speaking dj. I am from Ireland and my future husband is slovak. We are getting married in Bratislava in August. Besides the language skills we really want someone entertaining who will keep both the Irish and Slovaks happy and on there feet all night! :-) They must also have there own equipment as the hotel will not supply this. I hope you can help! Thank you.
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@franjphelan Hi, I have sent you a reply to you box. :-)
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@orangutan chyba mi tam iba R v slove you - co mi uslo...(nakolko pisem velmi rychlo na PC a zrejme mi to R tam nepreslo) inak je to gramaticky spravne, co je na tom nespravne? ;-) je to bezna konverzacia, studovala som anglictinu takze viem co mam kde napisat, kedze aj svadby prekladam :-) poucim sa vsak velmi rada ako by ste to napisali vy a bola by som rada, keby ste mi netykali, kedze sme si nepotykali, dakujem :-)
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@orangutan one more thing I would like to say to you. If you know English very well you will understand that the word box has got lots of meanings. So the word box is not only as a box but its also as a letter box, IM etc. So please do not tell me what is right and what is wrong :-) Thank you
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Hi @Specialmoments, I have replied to your message. Thank you for all the deatils. Very helpful.
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Hi @orangutan, I knew what @specialmoments ment. Box in english can have many meanings, inbox, mail box, post box, etc etc. :-)
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@lucka404 Thank you Rob so much for your message. That sounds amazing and your guests sound very happy! Thats exactly what reaction I would like from my family and friends. I will check him out for sure. Thank you for the recommendation. Best wishes, F
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