Vajazzling! latest wedding craze?

13. jún 2011

Vajazzling and pajazzling - have you had this done, would you have it done as a surprise for your h2b?Or maybe he will surprise you!

Thought this was too good not to share @ajb2b, @jen150912 @dizinelli

I even found some pics to explain what it is, if you didn't already know like I didn't this morning .....

If you have had it done, I was wondering what it was like? Please feel free to share your ideas on our Facebook page too :)

  • jen150912Ahaaaaaaaa! Ooft that's an elaborate one!! I was thinking of just having 'Mrs G'... :-O x
    • naomi27omg!! lol were would u get somthing like that done!? be pointless me having one though my tounge (baby belly/ flap) covers that area lmao!! x
      • portsmouthjenOMG! My H2B might take more of an interest in the butterfly theme of our wedding if he knew this was in store!
        • quoth_the_ravenGood lord. How do they stick on?
          • boycee
            @quoth_the_raven  I have no idea lol, and would they drop off quite easily? @portsmouthjen  haha a surprise for the h2b and all theme related a winner 🙂
            • cicmatagwow this looks fantastic. my nail technician also does vajazzle so we had a chat about it yesterday. it turns out you can also have them on/around your nipples (although they might be called different, maybe nippazzle lol). I might consider having that done although I would be concerned about it rubbing off on my bra by the time we get down to business on the wedding night 😉
              • boycee
                @cicmatag  yeah this was what I was wondering, what happens on the wedding night? 😛